Buying Bitcoin these days takes a lot
Vexl proposes something simpler
Complex flows & all your data
People you know, reveal what you want

Following the original Bitcoin vision

No middleman
Trade with people directly

Until both sides want to meet
Not only for people who care about their privacy
Three main protopersonas were created to fully understand which funcionalities should be prioritized. The persona of vexlák — active buyer and seller — previewed bellow, is the most unique one, with most use cases. Validated at a legendary Czech community Paralelní Polis.

We heard a lot of great thoughts while validating journeys and personas. Many of them shaped our approach.

...wait a minute,
what is “vexl”?
From the word [vekslák]
A "vekslák" was a slang term used in socialist Czechoslovakia to refer to someone involved in the illegal buying and selling of foreign currencies (such as currency or vouchers), used to purchase foreign goods at Tuzex stores. The word "veksl" itself comes from the German "der Wechsel," meaning exchange.

Visual & graphic explorations
We tried drawing obvious parallels to "veksláctví", explored multiple palettes and various concepts of anonymity.

Where we've landed
We landed on anonymous avatars, drawing color inspiration from real-life "bony" (vouchers for foreign goods used during times of active "veksláctví").
The wonderful illustrations, avatars & glasses were created by Adam Žďára.

Back to what we're making. By analyzing:

Mapping out P2P marketplaces

Depth user interviews

Jobs to be done
Interviews and internal knowledge
...we’ve defined a key set of functionality, which we’ve started prototyping & testing.

Many ways to group & structure it

Buy & Sell separated on a bottom navigation level, with third tab being Bitcoin price (could show BTC price in navbar).
Chat related to specific screens with contextual notifications.

Buy & Sell as a segmented controls on the first tab. Global chat and profile (contacts + settings) as other tabs.

Trade entry point is an universal input — e.g. “I want 100 BTC for USD” > Show offers. Chat is present on homepage, same as my active offers.

Buy & Sell separated on a bottom navigation level, with third tab being Bitcoin price (could show BTC price in navbar).
Chat related to specific screens with contextual notifications.

Buy & Sell as a segmented controls on the first tab. Global chat and profile (contacts + settings) as other tabs.

Trade entry point is an universal input — e.g. “I want 100 BTC for USD” > Show offers. Chat is present on homepage, same as my active offers.
All things considered, this is the direction we've chosen for the MVP launch: a version that focuses on core functionality while allowing room for future improvements.

Get the app

Create your offer

Trade with others

Connect & talk it out

Leave no trace

We launched at a conference
We launched at a Czech crypto conference — Chaincamp — and the reception was incredible.